In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth… After 6 days God Rested, then God became bored and created Man… then Woman from Man… It went downhill from there. While Adam and Eve may not have known they were running about the Garden of Eden naked until they were tempted by evil… It's always been a thought… What if God had created the mirror and let them in on the secret… Then again where would be the lesson about Sin, and how really would we have been served.
That said, God waited a while before giving man the idea of creating glass and covering one side with a reflective paint. The mirror took on a life of its own good and bad, but in it's pure form, it's natural state, the mirror provided a powerful reflection which is undeniable unspoken truth. What you see is truly what you get.
Whenever I look into the mirror I have to decide whether I can go forward know if what I am seeing is fit for the rest of the world. The measure I take can vary but I try to take stock regardless of my physical appearance and consider if what I am taking with me is right with God. There have been times that I know God has been less than thrilled, but the opportunity to do better is always an option and that's what I hope for on those days I need to be most honest with myself.
I often wonder about what other people see in their mirrors, or if they even bother to look themselves in the eye. I wonder what kind of mirror they might have obtained, and if it provides something different for them that my mirror gives to me. Are all mirrors really equal? When should you consider a new mirror? It's clear to me that the warranty has long expired on some mirrors. Yet people continue to want to be deceived.
This is especially true when it comes to seeing one's self as Omni present or even omnipotent… even to the degree of being all knowing. These are the people who need to be reminded that they should not judge at the risk of being judged themselves. When they become the truth and only they have the power to descern the truth.
We’ve all seen enough of that lately. We all need to dig deep into our souls and into our pocket books and help out those who are truly and desperately in need of a new mirror, because the truth will set them free and the good news is, it's never too late to see the truth.
Don't be a self centered condescending a-hole… Find a new mirror and let it soak in now. You know who you are… You know everything.